Mathematics Magazine Cover Art
For the years 2015 through 2019 I was invited to create cover art for Mathematics Magazine by Michael A. Jones, the journal editor a that time. An original artwork was created to reflect some aspect of each issue. With a publishing schedule of five times a year, this resulting a body of twenty-five artworks. Challenges of creating artwork included the small 5 inch by 5 inch space and the limited color palette of grayscale plus the background color. The background color alternated between green (odd years) and blue (even years). My goals in this body of work were to create topical work with a final collection of artworks that expressed a diversity of themes and visual content.
Mathematics Magazine
Originally published in 1947, the peer-reviewed journal Mathematics Magazine is published five times a year (February, April, June, October, and December) by the Mathematical Association of America. It has the second-highest number of subscriptions of any mathematics journal.