This artwork is a rendering of an anonymous portrait of the mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) as stars set in a lattice of regular hexagons. Areas of lightness and darkness in the original portrait are converted to dodecagons. Darker regions are rendered with sharp six-pointed stars. Lighter regions are rendered using regular dodecagons. Intermediate gray levels are rendered with a polygonal shape that varies between the sharp star and the dodecagon. These shapes were laser-cut in black paper and set in a back-lit frame.
Kepler Constellation, detail.
Exhibition History
Mathematics as Muse, Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson, Michigan. 1–31 October 2016.
In the Realm of Forms,
Pearl Conard Art Gallery, The Ohio State University at Mansfield.
9 November – 8 December 2015.
2015 Joint Mathematical Meetings Exhibition of Mathematical Art, p. 108, Edited by Robert Fathauer and Nathan Selikoff, ISBN: 978-1-938664-14-4, Tessellations Publishing, 2015.